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潘雨丝 Ph.D , Henan Normal University
发布时间: 2024-01-02  浏览次数:





1、Junjie Cao; Fei Li; Jingwei Lian;Yusi Pan; Di Zhang; Impact of LHC probes of SUSY and recent measurement of (g-2)μon Z3-NMSSM*,Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2022, 65(9): 291012-1-291012-13.

2、Junjie Cao; Jingwei Lian;Yusi Pan; Yuanfang Yue; Di Zhang; Impact of recent (g-2)μmeasurement on the light CP-even Higgs scenario in general Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model*,Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022, 2022(3): 1-46.

3、Junjie Cao; Jingwei Lian;Yusi Pan; Di Zhang; Pengxuan Zhu; Improved (g-2)μmeasurement and singlino dark matter in μ-term extended Z3-NMSSM*,Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021(9): 1-35.

4、Junjie Cao; Yangle He;Yusi Pan; Yuanfang Yue; Haijing Zhou; Pengxuan Zhu; Impact of leptonic unitarity and dark matter direct detection experiments on the NMSSM with inverse seesaw mechanism*,Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020, 2020(12): 1-36.

5、Junjie Cao; Jie Li;Yusi Pan; Liangliang Shang; Yuanfang Yue; Di Zhang; Bayesian analysis of sneutrino dark matter in the NMSSM with a type-I seesaw mechanism*,Physical Review D, 2019, 99(11): 1-35.

上一条:张华莹 Ph.D , Liaoning Normal University 下一条:李波 Ph.D , Hunan University

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